Sunday, 30 October 2011

Real bravehearts

Sorry if this post isn't so cheerful. In this tough period of flood crisis in Thailand, the Thais do need much encouragement. Thank God my family is fine, they're handling things in the best way. My parents' home is still safe but who knows when water comes! Until now, people have learnt to help themselves.

In such a hard time, we've known the heroes. They're all normal people who just have such a great heart. Among them, who never leaves the people are soldiers. Yesterday, I've learnt a very sad piece of news. A soldier died when saving a life, other 2 were seriously injured. I just felt I couldn't ignore it, so I'd like to dedicate this post to all the Thai soldiers who are doing more than the best. Thank you for not leaving Thai people...and Rest In Peace, the brave heart.


  1. Dear Mee,
    I heard about this awful thing this morning from my parents who lives in Sweden.
    I happy to read that your family is well, even if it makes me suffer thinking of all the others.
    Thank you for this post, Mee and I too will light a candle for the Thais soldiers and the Thai people this evening, and send thoughts of encouragement to all of the people struggling, helping and trying to survive.
    A big hug

  2. @briggishome: hearty thanks for the solidarity, we really need it. Many parts of the world are having disasters, we need to be more united. Let's pray for love and peace. Thank you again for your kind words.
    My warmest hugs

  3. è terribile ciò che sta accadendo in Thailandia, così come ciò che accade a Genova in queste ore. purtroppo quando l'uomo si ritrova in prossimità di eventi naturali di carattere straordinario, questi eventi diventano disastri. quanto sia più o meno responsabilità umana, l'avvenire del disastro in sè, non conta a questo punto. ciò che conta è la reazione, la forza e la solidariatà che gli esseri umani riescono a tirare fuori in questi casi.
    ti abbracciamo forte tutti!

  4. p.s. non c'entra nulla ma si, era proprio la baby gem lettuce:-)

  5. @Cannella Impazzita: è proprio così, l'uomo ha consumato e sfruttato troppo la terra ed ora dobbiamo pagare il conto. Siamo ormai in 7 miliardi!! Spero che tutt passa presto, e stiamo vicini a tutti coloro che hanno subito questi disastri. Un piccolissimo aiuto di ognuno di noi diventerà grande.


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