Monday, 7 January 2013

A New Year bliss

The holidays finished. I've been absent from the blog, not because I was too busy in partying or making a trip but because we've been sick for the last half of the holidays! My boy began to get sick on the last day of the year 2012 and it did take time for him to recover, poor him! And guess what, we've got the same symptoms now. We might not have such a great beginning of the new year, however that's not a tragic thing.

Before Christmas, I've got a parcel from one of my dearest friends from Bangkok. When I opened it, I just said "Wow!". She was so kind to send me a box full of delicious sweets (all my favorite ones since childhood) and a pack of amazing jasmine tea as a New Year gift. I said "amazing" because it really is. Those dried flowers, apart from their delicate taste and wonderful scent, are like magic. When they open in hot water, they look like a piece of art. I aprreciated the tea a lot in this moment that I've got a terrible cold and sorethroat. I felt very relieved. I'm going to show you a picture, but I'm sorry that it's impossible to trasmit its aroma through the picture.

I must admit that the poor tiny cup doesn't present the flower in the best way. It's the only cup I have at the moment that let see what there is inside. I've had some of it and you made my day ^_*


  1. Ma ciao Mee, non sapevo della vostra malattia...mi dispiace,spero stiate meglio..
    Certo che questo tè deve essere speciale, ma si apre con l'idratazione?
    Sono sicura che avrà sicuramente scaldato il vostro cuore oltre che il corpo! Auguri di Buon Anno!

    1. Grazie mille Elena! Ha cominciato Dylan l'ultimo giorno dell'anno ad ammalarsi, e poi abbiamo fatto il giro in tutta la casa come al solito. Ora stiamo meglio, grazie ancora.
      Riguarda il tè, è semplicemente un fiore secco come la camomilla, e si apre e lascia un ottimo profumo nell' acqua calda. Una mia amica ha visto dei fiori simili in un' erboristeria ma hanno un costo esagerato.
      Auguri di Buon Anno anche a tutti voi!!

  2. L'ho bevuto in Cina.. bellissimo!
    Buon anno Mee!


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