Monday, 18 April 2011

Thai New Year's Day, Apr. 14th

I lately had a pause in the blog, having so many things to keep up with each day, but I did find time to post some brief news.

How many people in the world know that in Thailand we celebrated our New Year's Day in mid April?? Yes, according to our calendar, not only in Thailand but also in Burma, Cambogia and Laos, April 14th is the beginning of the year! We call it "Songkran" which means the entry of the sun into any sign of the Zodiac. From 13th to 15th are regularly natinal holidays. As tradition, people go home to celebrate with their family. We have a partucular and funny festival. Everywhere people splash water to each other, no one minds to get wet. Tourists too enjoy to play with the Thai's. It's really a pleasure as water helps cooling down the temperature (it's the hottest month of the year).

Moreover, there're some Buddhist rites in temples and traditionally we pay respect to the oldest family members or the olderlies in the villages so as to be blessed by them.

At Rome, the abbassy of Thailand certainly set up a celebration for Thai people in Italy. This year, it's quite special for me because a Uni friend of mine came to visit Italy. I and other 3 Uni friends (who stay in Itlay for work, another one for family like me and the last one for a study) all met at Milan. We did had a great day on the Songkran Day.

Before leaving, I just wanna show our gorgeous orchid flower. This's the 1st time we reached out to save an orchid plant!



  1. Buon anno!!!
    Interessante, ho capito bene o giocate a farvi i gavettoni? In spiaggia per il giorno di ferragosto (15 agosto) capita anche qui!
    Sai che ho provato a cucinare il satay? un po' variato, ma è piaciuto molto...soprattutto al nonno, e chi lo avrebbe detto!
    un bacio!

  2. Grazie Elena!!
    Sì simile al gioco di gavettoni, ogni stile va bene. I bambini caricano le pistole d'acqua e via alla battaglia!!! Appena esci di casa devi essere pronto a bagnarti.

  3. Sono di passaggio solo per augurare a te e famiglia una Buona Pasqua!

  4. L'altro giorno sono passato velocemente, oggi mi soffermo a leggere il post....con calma! Non conoscevo questa tradizione, conoscevo solo quella cinese! E' sempre bello imparare! Baci

  5. @Gianni: mi pare che viaggi molto per lavoro, giusto? Dovrebbe essere bellissimo conoscere le culture diverse, che naturalmente ci apre la mente ;-)


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